About Us

Stand Up Baltimore is a movement that strategically aligns individual organizations and resources to improve the quality of life in Baltimore City. Its purpose is to create a prototype that can be duplicated in other cities answering the major questions of:

As a motto, our plan is to make American cities healthy, wealthy and wise

Who We Are

Derrick Chase, CEO and Founder

Derrick Chase is a businessman, poet, educator, author, spoken word artist, entertainment producer, and community activist in Baltimore, Maryland. He is a graduate of Baltimore City public school system and Morgan State University. As the owner of Chase Executive Holdings Group, LLC, he privately invests in businesses throughout the state.

Kimberly Lagree, V.P. of Strategy

Rev. Kimberly Lagree is a native and of Baltimore, MD and proudly wears the banner of spiritualist and human activist concentrating her efforts advocating on behalf of ALL believers, both Christian and non-Christian. As a Regents scholar she studied Business Marketing at Baltimore’s Morgan State University and has received certification…

Sabrina Davis, Chief Operating Officer

A native of Baltimore, Maryland, Sabrina Davis received her undergraduate degree from Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University (FAMU) and later received her EMBA from Georgia State University.  In her years of professional marketing and advertising experience, Sabrina has managed and overseen many successful initiatives…